Doc on Your clock
Millennials are busy. They value the freedom to shape their schedules to fit their needs and hate running on any schedule that isn’t their own. They are constantly looking for the simple, easy and relevant solution.
With Virtual Visits, users have unlimited access a doctor, in non-emergency situations, giving millennials the control to go about their busy schedules while still getting the medical attention they need, on their terms and their time. We created Doc on your Clock, a campaign that targets millennials in different parts of their “sickness journey,” and highlights the “anytime anywhere” aspect of Virtual Visits. We identified the way millennials behave during their journey and crafted executions that would speak to them along the way, reminding them that, with Virtual Visits, The Doctor Will See You Now.
Sick of Waiting?
Millennials don’t like to wait, but their lifestyles often put them in situations where waiting is inevitable. We'll transform unexpected places, like bus stops, elevators, and airports into “doctor offices” in order use those waiting moments to showcase how Virtual Visits can be accessed anywhere, so the doctor’s office does not become another place to wait.
That song is sick
Millennials may not be thinking of healthcare options, but they are certainly listening to music on Spotify. We will re-purpose top chart songs on Spotify and turn then into radio spots in order to promote Virtual Visits and remind millennials that, like their favorite artist, their time is precious and they cannot afford to be sick. The listener will be able to click through to and prompted to preregister.
VV Kit
As a way to capitalize on the resources available to UHC (customer address, email, phone number, etc), we will mail out Virtual Visit promotional packages. The packages will include branded items that can be used when people are sick such as tissues, cough drops, hand sanitizer, etc.
AR Enhanced Card
The package will also contain an AR enhanced card. When a camera is held to it, the card will uncover an AR doctor, right in their homes.
Youtube 15 second spot
Ask a Doc
The last place millennials expect to have a doctor’s visit is in the middle of a crowded intersection. In order to showcase the accessibility of Virtual Visits we’ll let people do just that. During flu season we’ll place interactive billboards in places with high foot traffic, which registered UHC users could text with non-emergency questions. A doctor will be responding in real time on a billboard, showing that, with Virtual Visits, they always have a doctor in the palm of their hand.
Sick Mode
Whether it’s waiting for a doctor or waiting for an ad between a show, waiting is last thing anyone wants to deal with when they’re sick. As an incentive to sign up for Virtual Visits, we will partner with Hulu, allowing those who sign up for Virtual Visits to unlock sick mode and enjoy 24 hours of ad-free, wait-free streaming.
Siri Says
Millennials are practically attached to their cellphones. According to Apple, “Talking to Siri is an easier, faster way to get things done. It’s always with you, ready to help throughout your day.” Virtual Visits offers the same benefits, but for non-emergency medical attention.
Currently, Siri is activated by voice command. We will take it to the next level and have her be activated by a cough or a sneeze. Whenever a registered UHC user sneezes or coughs, Siri will activate, then prompt them to schedule a Virtual Visit.
Quickest Route
When millennials finally decide to seek medical attention, they look for minute clinics and express care facilities near them. Part of their search involves using Google Maps to select their route. Google Maps organizes routes by time, efficiency and simplicity--the same characteristics that represent Virtual Visits.
Currently, services like Uber and Lyft promote their ride-sharing services as alternative routes. We want to promote Virtual Visits as the “alternative route.” When an individual inputs the address of a medical facility, the top route suggestion will be Virtual Visits--the closest, quickest, no-train, no-toll, no-walk route.
Art Director: Caroline Wood, Laci Bogdan and Haley Walker
Copy Writer: Yessy Downs
Video Production: Austin Zevere